FATCA List – January 1, 2016
Christmas Island has timely picked the festive holiday to join the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) list of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) jurisdictions.
The small Indian Ocean outpost has a single financial institution reporting to the IRS.
Interestingly, the FATCA list of financial centres now exceeds the United Nations list of member nations (193) and the number of countries in the world, which stands at 195 or 196 depending on whether Taiwan is included.
Taiwan is not officially recognised as a country by most governments.
FATCA now has 182,649 compliant organisations in 227 financial jurisdictions, an increase of 5,502 over the last list published on December 1, 2015.
The next FATCA list is due for publication by the IRS on January 15, 2016.
Download the list of financial institutions on the FATCA List (Excel csv file)
The FATCA List (Countries A –Z)