Author: ONF

Mexico: Energy Reform – Chapter VI: Implications On International Tax Matters

1. Permanent Establishment 1.1. Subjects and activities that generate a PE Article 64 of the LISH provides that a PE is created whenever ever a resident abroad for tax purposes carries on with activities under the LH in Mexican territory or the exclusive economic zone over which Mexico has jurisdiction…. – Continue reading

West Virginia’s Bank of Mingo Pays $4.5 Million for BSA/AML Compliance Program Deficiencies, Showing that Small and Midsize Institutions Also Face Enforcement Scrutiny

A series of recent federal enforcement actions targeting weaknesses in financial institutions’ Bank Secrecy Act/anti–money laundering (BSA/AML) compliance programs continued on June 15, when the Department of Justice (DOJ), Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) announced a coordinated enforcement against West Virginia’s Bank of Mingo…. – Continue reading

Digital identities could help address money laundering risks with virtual currencies, says FATF

New digital identity systems could be used to combat money laundering and terrorist financing risks linked with the use of virtual currencies, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has said. In new guidance (48-page / 622KB PDF) it has issued, FATF said a risk-based approach is required when imposing measures… – Continue reading

Corrupt Chinese Government Officials Flee To Australia Amid Hesitation To Extradite Criminals

Chinese emigration continues to grow as the nation becomes increasingly wealthy. However, a handful of those leaving the country are wanted financial criminals, and they are heading to all corners of the world. While the United States and Canada continue to be popular destinations for corrupt Chinese on the run,… – Continue reading

IPL money laundering case: ED seeks LRs to Singapore, Mauritius

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has sought legal assistance from Singapore and Mauritius to take forward its probe in the alleged financial irregularities in the Indian Premier League tournament (IPL) and its former chairman Lalit Modi. New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has sought legal assistance from Singapore and Mauritius to… – Continue reading

A.M. Best Briefing: A.M. Best Comments on Proposed U.S. Tax Changes for Offshore (Re)Insurers

OLDWICK, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Proposed U.S. legislation aimed at preventing offshore tax avoidance by closing a tax loophole that allows offshore reinsurers to take advantage of an exception to the passive foreign investment company (PFIC) rules of the U.S. Tax Code will not lead to rating revisions over the near term, according… – Continue reading

UK’s slimmer banks slip down global league table

British banks have fallen down world league tables for lenders so rapidly that there may soon not be a global-ranked bank in this country, the editor of the industry bible has warned, reports the Independent. “At one time several UK banks were among a handful of truly global players,” said… – Continue reading

Taxpayers Still Facing Big Challenges One Year After FATCA Goes Into Effect

June 30 — Taxpayers continue to wrestle with big questions a year after the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act opened for business. Acknowledging that the Internal Revenue Service is doing its best to implement a complex law, issues still remain as the reach of FATCA goes global, practitioners told Bloomberg… – Continue reading

EU Research Paper Supports Modified Nexus Approach

The European Commission has released a working paper that looks at how significant the introduction of the modified nexus approach will be for the tax affairs of multinational companies that use patent box regimes Entitled Patent Boxes Design, Patents Location, and Local R&D, the paper suggests “that in the majority… – Continue reading

Dubai: Shrinking western banks prompt DIFC to shift east

The Dubai International Financial Centre spent the first 10 years of its existence looking to banks in the West. It’s planning to spend the next decade looking East, reports the Gulf Times. DIFC, as the tax-free business park is called, became the Middle East’s biggest financial centre by attracting the… – Continue reading

Inquiry to examine pharmaceutical tax arrangements

THE focus of a high-level inquiry into corporate tax avoidance will move to some of the globe’s biggest drug companies during hearings today. After revealing details of the tax minimisation strategies at Google, Apple and Microsoft, the Senate’s Standing Committee on Economics will hear from pharmaceutical executives in Sydney. Among… – Continue reading

Tyrie urges for tax system coherence

Andrew Tyrie MP, chairman of the Treasury select committee, has proposed a variety of ways for the government to strengthen the Office of Tax Simplification, one of which is that the OTS must be “more independent” and should not be a “creature” of the tax man. The Conservative party manifesto… – Continue reading

Relationship between tax treaties and domestic tax law: scenario involving the Canada-India tax treaty

A common mistake when analyzing the tax implications of a cross border transaction is to jump too quickly to the ramifications of a tax treaty without first having a clear handle on the tax implications under the Income Tax Act (Canada) (“ITA”). A related issue is that even though a… – Continue reading

Top 10 countries with best residence-by-investment schemes

The UAE ranked 15th in an index rating countries’ residency-in-return-for-investment programmes As global economic growth slackens, a number of countries are offering citizenship or residency permits in return for investment in their markets. According to the latest Global Residency Programme Index by Henley & Partners, Portugal topped the list with… – Continue reading

Retiring overseas: a checklist before heading for your dream home

We consider the retirement options for three top expat destinations – New Zealand, Bahrain and Singapore Retiring overseas is an aspiration for many expats, especially after they have spent much of their working life outside the UK. But while you may think you know what’s involved, there are many things… – Continue reading

KPMG And Dun & Bradstreet Alliance Addresses FATCA Due Diligence Challenges

NEW YORK and SHORT HILLS, N.J., June 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Marking the one-year deadline for foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to identify their preexisting entity account base for purposes of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm, and Dun & Bradstreet… – Continue reading

UK banks want government to cut regulatory costs, survey finds

Banks and other financial companies want the new Conservative government to cut the cost of complying with a swath of new regulation, according to a survey by the Confederation of British Industry, reports The Guardian. When the employers’ lobby group asked firms what the government should do to help the… – Continue reading

Combating money laundering, financing of terrorism in financial sector: A general perspective (Part 2)

PIA FORUM with DOREEN KAMBANGANJI Effects of money laundering and terrorist financing Min Zhu, deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made the following expression on the effects of money laundering and terrorist financing: “Money laundering and the financing of terrorism are financial crimes with economic effects. They… – Continue reading

No longer so secret, Swiss banks looking to expand after purge

Switzerland’s private banks are close to ridding themselves of undeclared European accounts, a salutary process but one which has undermined efforts to grow their businesses. Following the financial crisis, cash-strapped governments chased accounts hidden at banks in Zurich, Geneva and Ticino where wealthy Europeans had taken advantage of Switzerland’s famous… – Continue reading

Business Monday: BIBA official: See blacklist as an opportunity

“THE decision by a group of European Union (EU) Member States to blacklist Barbados as being non-cooperative and further claim that Barbados and 29 other countries, mostly small islands, do not meet its standards of transparency, exchange of information and fair tax competition, is hypocritical and on the face of… – Continue reading

VAM partners up with Close Brothers AM

VAM Funds has entered into a partnership with UK-based Close Brothers Asset Management (CBAM) to meet a rising demand for discretionary fund management services from international advisers. The tie-up will see three of CBAM’s products, which are normally available only in the UK, become available internationally through VAM Discretionary Funds…. – Continue reading

Mega-merger: Monsanto still seeks takeover of Syngenta, world’s largest crop chemical company

Transnational agrochemical and seed giant Monsanto has reiterated its desire to merge with fellow chemical-producing behemoth Syngenta, a company that has already rebuffed three previous purchase attempts by Monsanto. Announcing unexpectedly positive third quarter earnings late last week, Monsanto said that it is still seeking ways to woo Switzerland-based Syngenta… – Continue reading

Wall of Chinese capital buying up Australian properties

The “wall of Chinese capital” hitting property markets in Sydney and Melbourne will not ease up until the government introduces its anti-money laundering legislation, says an expert in ‘flight capital’. James Tee, an ethnic Chinese property developer whose business specialises in “capital expatriation” – that is, getting money out of… – Continue reading

Richards: Take us off blacklist now

The Baltic republic of Latvia has pulled Bermuda off its blacklist of uncooperative tax jurisdictions supplied to the European Commission. And the move means the Island has dropped below the ten-nation threshold for inclusion on the EU hitlist — leading Finance Minister Bob Richards to demand Bermuda be taken off… – Continue reading

Drug companies give their tax affairs a clean bill of health ahead of Senate grilling

Multinational drug companies are presenting a united front ahead of their appearance at the Senate’s corporate tax avoidance inquiry, insisting they are honest, ethical and pay their fair share of tax. Nine pharmaceutical companies, which between them receive billions of dollars in taxpayer-subsidised sales via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, will… – Continue reading

Annuar, we have copy of internal briefing, says Rafizi

Mara could have set up an Australian subsidiary but instead chose to construct an elaborate network in several countries. KUALA LUMPUR: National Oversight & Whistleblowers (NOW), an NGO headed by Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, has alleged that the nature of Mara property purchases overseas was camouflaged through various offshore companies… – Continue reading

Supreme Court says Pendragon’s dealerships accountable after finding demonstrator VAT scheme was “abusive” of the law

The UK’s Supreme Court has ruled that a KPMG scheme to enable dealer group Pendragon to recover VAT on demonstrator cars sold as used cars was “abusive” of the law. Its decision earlier this month has overturned a previous Court of Appeal ruling on the scheme, which Pendragon used on… – Continue reading

Amnesty Period Until October 15

Fijians who have assets overseas now have time until October 15 to declare them. Government had announced in the 2015 budget an amnesty period for all Fijians to declare the assets they have offshore. Since then $13.5million worth of overseas assets owned by Fijians had been declared. Attorney-General and Minister… – Continue reading

Watchdog Warns of N. Korea Money Laundering

WASHINGTON – An international money laundering watchdog says member states should pay “special attention” to financial transactions with North Korea. The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force last week reaffirmed its earlier decision to put the community country on its watch list because of North Korea’s “failure to address the significant… – Continue reading