Category: Thailand

Officials use IT to catch tax dodgers

Please credit and share this article with others using this link: View our policies at and © Post Publishing PCL. All rights reserved. The Revenue Department has adopted an IT system to track taxpayers with irregularities in their tax payments as part of its effort to increase collection… – Continue reading

Tax reform the key to making Thailand an attractive place to set up a treasury centre

With the expansion of business globally and mobilisation of investments, businesses are facing challenges on managing their cash flows, funds, and financial risks to increase competitiveness. Having a “treasury centre” is one of the solutions. A treasury centre helps a business significantly reduce its transaction costs and increase financial efficiency…. – Continue reading

New foreign incentives ‘a positive step’

Recently approved incentives for companies to set up international headquarters and international trading centres in Thailand could have a positive effect on foreign investment, say foreign executives. “After Singapore, I think Thailand could be the next big attraction for [such offices] to open here,” said Stanley Kang, chairman of the… – Continue reading

Facing up to tax challenges in the age of digital economy

THE WORLDWIDE increase in digital commerce has alerted many countries to the unique tax challenges it presents. Facing up to tax challenges in the age of digital economy THE WORLDWIDE increase in digital commerce has alerted many countries to the unique tax challenges it presents. There is now a common… – Continue reading

Southeast Asia should switch to a greener growth model, OECD says

11/11/2014 – Southeast Asia’s over-reliance on natural resources like oil, gas, minerals and wood for economic growth is unsustainable over the long term and is causing environmental damage that will hurt future prosperity if left unchecked, according to a new OECD report. Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia finds that… – Continue reading

Can inheritance tax work?

Now that we have new cabinet ministers to drive the economy forward, the next expectation is for martial law to be lifted so that foreign investors and tourists can feel more comfortable about returning to Thailand. Meanwhile, the junta is determined to quickly show the people some signs of genuine… – Continue reading

101 Countries Sign Up For FATCA Network

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) has been in force for a month and still more countries are joining the tax network. So far, 101 countries and financial jurisdictions have either signed or agreed to join FATCA. FATCA is aimed at identifying US taxpayers with offshore bank accounts and investments. Overseas… – Continue reading

Banks submit agenda

The Thai Bankers’ Association (TBA) will soon submit five proposals to the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) for its financial sector development plan, says TBA chairman Boontuck Wungcharoen. The proposals include implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca), an upgrade of Thailand to a financial hub… – Continue reading

How to Get Your Profits Out of China

BEIJING – Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOEs) are able to repatriate funds out of China in a variety of forms, for which tax implications vary according to the form of repatriation used and the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) in place between China and the recipient country. The four most commonly… – Continue reading