‘BEPS plan, Turkey will be one of the largest heritage’
OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria, “Base Erosion and profit Shift (BEPS) to Combat Action Plan” s stated would be the most radical reforms in international taxation system, “BEPS Action Plan, Turkey will be one of the biggest acts in and heritage in the G20 presidency” he said. Gurria, recently in Peru’s capital, held in Lima, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors adopted at the meeting “BEPS Action Plan” evaluated the AA correspondent. prepared by the OECD and the G20 cooperation “BEPS Action Plan” of the taxes from international companies by destroying the base of the melting and profit shifting mechanisms, shares will provide fall fair tax payments describing Gurria, the loss of income resulting from tax in the world smuggling gave the information that the year of 240 billion us dollars. Gurria, while pointing all over the world adversely affected, including emerging economies, particularly the loss of this income, ” Developing countries are the worst affected, due to their reliance on corporate tax from beps’. BEPS these countries is causing a weakening against the challenges and the global economy, the exploitation of precious resources, “he said. Three years of studies completed at the end BEPS Action Plan, international taxation system is the largest reform attributes the move stating that Gurria in” many countries, thanks to this plan now taxes can not be collected until muster. That both the countries we believe will provide significant benefits to the world economy. “Turkey’s G20 presidency during a Gurria stressed that given this project a great support at this point he said:” BEPS Action Plan, Turkey and the biggest acts in the G20 presidency One legacy will be. Turkey to work together, because we bring the project to this point, very happy, satisfied and proud. The project will be held in Antalya, approved at the G20 Summit, definitely expect to be put into practice. “Gurria,” BEPS Action Plan “which will not be confined to the G20 member countries and reported will be submitted for signature by all countries in the year 2016, how the plan of international companies They approached the question, “Of course not satisfied because they will not miss anymore taxes. However, countries agreed to this plan is that they have no choice but to comply with the new rules “made the comment.