Voluntary Disclosure: capital, relations spring (Italy Today, December 15, 2015)
Broader terms for the presentation of the report and the documentation related to the demands of voluntary disclosure.
According to its statement in ItaliaOggi, assessments are under way between the tax authorities and the Ministry of Economy to allow more time for the completion of the procedures of the instances voluntary collaboration.
The deadline for completing the practices of the instances, book at November 30, is set at 30 December.
However, it may also get an extra time of four months to complete and submit to the Agency of revenue reconstruction of capital hidden to tax authorities.
When a date has not been decided one reasons for a shorter time, to February 28, or a longer one until April 30.
On this point, indeed, there are no cash needs which run after the legislature.
The money voluntary disclosure committed by the government, both in the law of stability in 2016 and by the decree law 153 which granted the extension, with the mechanism of double-dispatch (questions 30 November, documents December 31) amounted to 2 billion revenue.
The data released by the Ministry of Economy and Revenue Agency, the press conference closing the transaction, on December 9 (see ItaliaOggi of 09.12.2015 and of 12.10.2015), the revenue already recognized in Treasury funds for interest and penalties is more than 3.8 billion and is, by admission of the same director of the Revenue, Rossella Orlandi bound to increase.
Not only that.
Just Matteo Renzi , president of the board, released yesterday, on his page on the social network Facebook (link is external) , a long message on the government’s measures to fight tax evasion.
The Prime Minister has provided updated data on income from voluntary disclosure highlighting “a detail, just one. There will be time to get back on the results of the Voluntary which brought back to Italy over four billion Euros from Switzerland and other similar countries. Over 4 billion! ”
With this security for the state coffers, then, little changes to the tax whether to move forward, for the laggards of the accompanying report, the deadline for sending documents.
The bowls are now firm for As for the more than 29,000 applications submitted.
The bar variable is that of actual revenue.
The game will absolutely be closed by the Revenue by 31 December 2016, when the Agency will pull a line on all counts of the instances presented but at the time, provided that the objectives recorded for 2015, 2 billion euro, everything beyond that is a kind of extra revenue, to put hay in the barn.
The instrument to leave this window open is just one: the one regulatory.
The quickest way is the law of stability where, however, there is already an adjustment by the government to discipline voluntary disclosure with the possibility of notification pec (certified mail) to the professional communication of the tax authorities to the taxpayer