Category: Jurisdiction

Spotlight on tax havens reveals inequality link

With a slim new book that has the feel of Piketty’s bestselling Capital in the 21st Century, Zucman, a 28-year-old University of California-Berkeley economist, is taking his own swing at global capitalism. His target: tax havens that he says hide $7.6-trillion — about 8% of the world’s net financial wealth…. – Continue reading

Are corporate tax inversions ‘unpatriotic’?

Moving overseas to cut tax burden remains a viable option for some firms, though the presidential candidates may have other plans. With the long haul of a presidential election campaign just beginning, companies that leave the U.S. to lower their tax bills are once again political targets. Donald Trump this… – Continue reading

Montserrat – United States: FATCA Agreement Signed

On 8 September 2015, Montserrat and the United States signed a Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Agreement. FATCA seeks to obtain information on accounts held by U.S. taxpayers in other countries. It requires U.S. financial institutions to withhold a portion of certain payments made to Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs)… – Continue reading

Transfer of shares for redemption without the risk of a tax assessment by tax authorities

Ruling description In thejudgment of August 19, 2015 (case file no. II FSK 1747/13) the Supreme Administrative Court ruled, consistently with its previous rulings, that in the case of a transfer of shares for redemption at a remuneration lower than their market value, the tax authorities do not have the… – Continue reading

Luxembourg bill of law introduces EU anti-hybrid and anti-abuse rules and horizontal fiscal unity

In light of the global Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative and the European developments against tax evasion and aggressive tax planning, two European Directives were adopted in July 2014 and January 20151 by the European Council, amending the Parent-Subsidiary Directive (2011/96/EU). These two Directives, in a nutshell, aim… – Continue reading

U.S. IRS and Mexican SAT begin sharing info on bank accounts

WASHINGTON, D.C. — United States authorities have begun the exchange of information with Mexico on all Mexicans with bank accounts or investments in the U.S. who have obtained more than $10 USD in annual interest. With the implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Mexico plans to deliver… – Continue reading

Cities and regions express their views on the sharing economy, the Trade in Services Agreement and a fair corporate tax system

On 29 September, the Commission for Economic Policy (ECON) of the EU Committee of the Regions (CoR) held an external meeting in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, at the invitation of Markus Töns (DE/PES), member of the North Rhine-Westphalia Regional Parliament. On the agenda was the adoption of the draft opinions on the… – Continue reading

‘Mistrust’ hampering continental trade

Pretoria – Trade between African countries remains low, despite efforts to harmonise taxation to allow for the free movement of goods and services. Tax experts this week warned mistrust between countries remains the greatest detractor to achieve harmony and increase intra-trade. Intra-Africa trade was only 11.3 percent of the continent’s… – Continue reading

Sunlight is the best way to disinfect corporate tax havens

Tax havens are by design secretive and opaque. The entire point of their existence is to conceal the wealth hidden within them. And a new book by Gabriel Zucman, The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens, reveals, as never before, the extent of their role in the… – Continue reading

US$7.6tn hidden in tax havens – almost half annual US GDP

Gabriel Zucman, one of 3 French economists who in recent times have published extensive research on wealth and equality, in a book, ‘The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens,’ published this month, estimates that 8% of the world’s financial wealth — some US$7.6tn — is hidden in… – Continue reading

OECD says Ireland to benefit post-BEPS

The OECD has said that its base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project will create policy challenges for Ireland, but the nation should emerge well placed to attract foreign direct investment, reports Tax News. The report states: “Given the strong presence of intellectual property-intensive information technology and pharmaceutical companies in… – Continue reading

SC to hear Castleton Investment case against MAT levy tomorrow

The court agrees to an early hearing in the case, scheduling it for 30 September New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to an early hearing in the case of Castleton Investment Ltd scheduling it for 30 September. Castleton Investment, a Mauritius-based foreign company, is contesting a case against… – Continue reading

China Pushes Ahead with Localisation of BEPS Actions

China’s State Administration of Taxation (SAT) has been busy during recent months pushing ahead with its own plans to update/revise a series of domestic tax laws and regulations as well as Sino-foreign tax treaties. The most prominent of these changes is a proposed update of Circular Guoshuifa 2009 No.2 (Circular… – Continue reading

“Delaware LLCs and UK Entity Classification: The Fallout From the Curious Case of George Anson”

Fundamental to any developed tax policy is knowing who the taxpayer is (or should be) with respect to any particular transaction. Although that can be relatively straightforward in purely domestic situations, a cross-border dimension can present different answers to this question in the jurisdictions involved and lead to issues over… – Continue reading

United States: Smooth Move: US Tax Tips Every Top Executive Should Know Before Moving To The United States

If you are a foreign executive moving to the United States for work, not only do you have to consider practical concerns like moving your family and finding a new residence, but you also need guidance as to any US tax implications stemming from the move. One of the first… – Continue reading

Big business avoids tax, yet wants to lower rate

One in five corporations with annual profits greater than $100 million paid no tax last year, the Australian Tax Office has revealed. Michael Cranston, one of the ATO’s deputy commissioners, revealed the figure to a Senate hearing into corporate tax avoidance. Corporations avoid paying tax by what is euphemistically called… – Continue reading

Nigerian leader vows to address double taxation avoidance issue

NEW YORK, Sept. 28 (Yonhap) — Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has vowed to make efforts to quickly resolve the issue of double taxation avoidance with South Korea. South Korea and Nigeria signed a double taxation avoidance agreement in 2006 to help boost two-way investment and trade, though the West African… – Continue reading

Netherlands seek Swiss help on Dutch accounts in Swiss banks

The Netherlands have requested information on a large number of Swiss bank accounts held by residents of its country in connection with a tax probe, Swiss authorities confirmed at the weekend, reports the Swiss Local. Swiss tax authorities received a request from their Dutch counterparts in July for access to… – Continue reading

Singapore collects record tax revenues

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore collected a total of SG$43.4bn (US$30.5bn) in tax revenue, in the 2014/15 financial year, a new annual record, reports Tax News. This record tax revenue was worth 71.3 per cent of total Government Operating Revenue. According to IRAS’s latest annual report, SG$23.4bn was collected… – Continue reading

Crunchtime for OECD global tax-avoidance push

Efforts to amend details of new rules on corporate profits raise questions, reports the Wall Street Journal. Nearly 50 governments are set to agree this fall to a new set of rules to clamp down on tax avoidance among multinational corporations. Their chance of success, however, is unclear. If the… – Continue reading

Op-Ed: Anti-corruption march must tackle illicit financial flows

If the anti-corruption march goes ahead on Wednesday, it will be remiss if it doesn’t address one of the key issues of 2015: illicit financial flows. Institutions around the world are committing to combatting these and Unite Against Corruption needs to push the government to take action locally while lobbying… – Continue reading

Barcelona’s Javier Mascherano charged with tax fraud in Spain

ESPN FC’s Fernando Palomo previews the upcoming UCL action, highlighting that Barcelona will have to learn to play without Messi. Also Mou faces his old Club, while Bayern may be playing at their best. Barcelona star Javier Mascherano was charged with two counts of defrauding the Spanish tax authorities of… – Continue reading

Tips From the Pros: Domestic Trust Situs Opportunities for International Families

International families are establishing domestic trusts at a record pace.1 Previously, these families set up trusts in the United States only if they had family and/or assets in the United States. This strategy still remains popular for international families, but now they’re also using domestic trusts even if they don’t… – Continue reading


Since its inception in August 2014, the SMU-TA Centre for Excellence in Taxation has worked tirelessly with industry practitioners, international academics and various key stakeholders to produce its first set of research works. On September 17, the Centre successfully presented its inaugural conference titled “A New Equilibrium in Tax Competition… – Continue reading

Country-by-country reporting implementation: not so simple after all!

The Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan adopted by the OECD and G20 countries in 2013 recognised that enhancing transparency for tax administrations by providing them with adequate information to assess high-level transfer pricing and other BEPS-related risks is a crucial aspect for tackling the BEPS problem. Against… – Continue reading

United States: FATCA Transitional Rules Extended

Financial institutions, partner jurisdictions and affected stakeholders have been working to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) since its enactment in March 2010. Time and again, as key implementation dates draw near, stakeholders redouble their efforts to satisfy these deadlines. Nonetheless, some stakeholders are not as prepared as… – Continue reading

International Tax Reform May Still Be a Possibility; Treasury Focused on FATCA, PTPs

Tax Reform Still in Ryan’s Sights Despite Boehner’s Departure Last week, following the sudden announcement by House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) that he would be stepping down from Congress at the end of October, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) and various other Committee members quickly confirmed… – Continue reading

Withholding tax on masala bonds set at 5%

To buy corporate bonds one needs to be a registered FPI but to buy masala bonds registration is not compulsory due to which these bonds will have good demand The withholding tax on rupee-denominated offshore bonds (‘masala bonds’) by domestic issuers has been set at five per cent, at par… – Continue reading

Shadow chancellor announces radical idea of making big businesses ‘pay their fair share of tax’

Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow chancellor has caused a stir with his idea that big businesses should pay their taxes. Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Brighton, John McDonnell named and shamed big companies over their tax arrangements. ‘Labour’s plan to balance the books will be aggressive,’ he said. ‘We will… – Continue reading

Canada: CBSA Issues Revised Customs Guidance On Related Party Transactions And Value For Duty: New Opportunities And Obligations

On September 17, 2015, the Canadian Border Services Agency (“CBSA“) released a revised D-Memorandum D13-4-5, “Transaction Value Method for Related Persons” (the “Memorandum“), addressing the impact of income tax transfer pricing on the value for duty to be declared on goods imported into Canada. This new guidance will have a… – Continue reading

Swiss join IFC to promote EAC corporate transparency

NAIROBI, Kenya – The World Bank’s private arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has jointly launched a business transparency initiative with the Swiss government, to promote corporate leadership in East Africa with the aim of helping firms attract foreign investments. The aim of the new initiative is to help firms… – Continue reading

Emergence of a new order in tax policies

India must align domestic laws with international treaties A recent ruling of the Punjab & Haryana High Court (HC) in the Serco BPO case has once again underlined the need for consistency between tax policies and the jurisprudence that evolves around it, thus, leaving little to interpretational hazards. The HC,… – Continue reading

Tax Havens Are Turning The U.S. Into An Unequal Aristocracy

French economist Gabriel Zucman, a protégé of Thomas Piketty, has a new book outlining how to avoid this. To Gabriel Zucman, protégé of rock star French economist Thomas Piketty, the United States is starting to look a lot like Europe in the late 1800s. “There’s been this great reversal where,… – Continue reading

US Justice Department Announces Two Banks Reach Resolutions Under Swiss Bank Program

The Department of Justice announced today that Migros Bank AG (Migros) and Graubündner Kantonalbank (Graubündner) have reached resolutions under the department’s Swiss Bank Program. These banks will collectively pay penalties totaling more than $18 million. “It is abundantly clear from the agreements reached to date that for decades, many foreign… – Continue reading

HMRC approach to double taxation relief and US companies mostly unchanged after Supreme Court decision

The UK’s tax treatment of US limited liability companies (LLCs) will remain mostly unchanged despite a recent Supreme Court decision in favour of the taxpayer, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has confirmed.25 Sep 2015 HMRC said that the decision of the UK’s highest court in favour of George Anson, a… – Continue reading

The Rollout of FATCA Is Being Delayed to Help Foreign Banks. Tax Attorney Rob Wood Explains

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, passed in 2010, is a tool devised to help the U.S. locate funds of U.S. citizens being held in foreign banks. (See this earlier FATCA report on LBN). The law requires foreign banks to report data about accounts owned by U.S. citizens to the… – Continue reading

Tax treaty access, a challenge going forward? – Impact of BEPS Action 6 on collective investment vehicles

In 2013, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a series of proposed tax measures for eliminating corporate tax structures that shift profits to foreign jurisdictions. This corporate tax practice is commonly referred to as base erosion and profit shifting or BEPS. Towards this, the OECD and G20… – Continue reading