Category: Jurisdiction

Uber has revolutionised transport in Australia. But will taxpayers get anything in return?

ATO to force Uber drivers to pay GST Uber is to mount a legal challenge against the Australian Tax Office after a decision to force drivers to register and pay GST. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has praised ride-sharing company Uber as part of the “agile” economy he envisages for Australia…. – Continue reading

Should Companies Have To Pay Taxes?

Reading companies’ annual reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission is a reliable cure for insomnia. Every so often, though, there is a significant revelation in the paperwork. Last year, one of the most important revelations came from Microsoft’s filings, which spotlighted how the tax code allows corporations to enjoy… – Continue reading

Silver Wheaton faces potential C$353m CRA tax bill for offshore revenue

TORONTO ( – The world’s largest precious metals streaming firm Silver Wheaton is set to challenge the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) over the agency’s decision to reassess the company’s 2005 to 2010 tax years and collect taxes on income earned by Silver Wheaton’s offshore subsidiaries. The TSX– and NYSE-listed company,… – Continue reading

Two more Swiss banks strike deals with U.S. over tax evasion

Two more Swiss banks will pay fines to the United States as part of settlements that mean they will not face criminal charges for helping Americans avoid taxes, U.S authorities said on Friday. Migros Bank AG will pay approximately $15 million and Graubündner Kantonalbank will pay $3.6 million, the U.S…. – Continue reading

Australia: Leaving Australia for work? Beware of your tax residency status

Thousands of Australians head offshore each year to expand their horizons and a lucky few will fund their adventure by working overseas. Some may live overseas and work for an extended period. There can often be confusion about the tax implications for taxpayers who take advantage of such offshore opportunities…. – Continue reading

US Signs Competent Authority Agreements With UK, Australia

The Internal Revenue Service has entered into landmark Competent Authority Agreements with authorities in Australia and the United Kingdom to support the implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). The US has signed FATCA intergovernmental agreements with both of these nations. Each of these agreements provides that Competent… – Continue reading

The Common Reporting Standard: Automatic Information Exchange Goes Global

Automatic exchange of information for tax law enforcement purposes started first in Europe with the EU Savings Tax Directive, went international with the US Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act, and, from 2017, will go global with the recently-agreed Common Reporting Standard, the subject of this feature. Introduction To The Common… – Continue reading

Compliance costs banks dearly

Pretoria – The constant stream of new data requirements by the South African Revenue Service from South Africa’s major banks is costing the sector millions of rand and affecting the economy and banking costs. Tax heads at the banks raised questions during the recent Tax Indaba in Sandton about the… – Continue reading

Mauritius appoints minister for financial services

When Delta, a South Africa-based property investment fund, decided to switch the offshore domicile of its international operations from Bermuda to Mauritius a year ago, it gained unexpected benefits, reports the Financial Times. “We’ve been very pleased,” says Bronwyn Corbett, head of Delta, as she reflects on the success of… – Continue reading

Dividend imputation has changed how NZ corporates deliver returns to shareholders, says EY. Will Australia’s reconsideration of the system affect us?

Content supplied by EY New Zealand is one of only a few countries with a dividend imputation regime. Introduced in 1988, New Zealand’s imputation regime removes double taxation on distributions by attributing to shareholders a credit for the tax borne on profits at the company level. Benefits include a single… – Continue reading


Bloomberg BNA’s first transfer pricing conference in Asia—the latest offering in our Global Transfer Pricing Conference series with Baker & McKenzie—could not have been better timed. The day the conference opened, Sept. 17, China issued a revised draft circular on transfer pricing that completely changed the game for multinational companies… – Continue reading

Common Reporting Standard

On 20 October 2014 Ireland along with 50 other countries signed a multilateral competent authority agreement to automatically exchange certain information between tax authorities of signatory jurisdictions. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) involves the collection of information in relation to financial accounts from financial institutions and the annual transmission of… – Continue reading

Treatment of companies managed outside Jersey

Tax residency of Jersey companies Jersey companies may (contrary to the default position) be treated as exclusively tax resident in jurisdictions other than Jersey pursuant to Article 123(1)(a) of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961. The criteria for a Jersey incorporated company to be resident (for taxation purposes) in a… – Continue reading

More tax laws planned

Myanmar plans to introduce more laws and regulations to increase its tax income over the coming years, sources said. The Internal Revenue Department (IRD) currently sets polices under the Myanmar Tax Law and the Union Tax Law. Sources at the IRD said they will issue further notifications, if required, to… – Continue reading

Unexpected tax troubles cropping up in emerging countries

Honda’s manufacturing plant in India, one of the emerging countries where many Japanese companies are in disputes with local tax authorities. TOKYO — Many Japanese companies operating in emerging countries are grappling with taxation problems they would never face in major industrial nations. Honda Motor, for instance, has gotten embroiled… – Continue reading

Watch: Tax competition compensates disadvantaged EU small states – Alfred Sant

The Head of the Maltese Labour Delegation at the European Parliament, Alfred Sant, said that tax competition is needed by peripheral and island states unless there is compensatory mechanism to compensate them for the fact that they don’t have the endowments that other countries have. “Where competitive disadvantages exist, these… – Continue reading

Common Rules (Not Rates) Should Be The Answer To Tax Competition In The EU

Tax avoidance is a key problem for European countries, with the EU taking several steps to try and limit the ability of businesses to shift their profits to low-tax jurisdictions. Peter Dietsch writes on the nature of the problem and what can be done to tackle it. He argues that… – Continue reading

IRS Targets Secret Offshore Bank Accounts

US taxpayers with secret bank accounts in Belize are about to feel the full force of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). A federal court in Miami has issued summonses against Belize Bank International and Belize Bank aiming to identify accounts controlled by US taxpayers from 2006 until 2014. Belize banks… – Continue reading

Andorra, Italy Sign Exchange Of Information Agreement

Andorra’s Ambassador to Spain, Jaume Gaytan, and the Ambassador of the Italian Republic in Andorra, Pietro Sebastiani, last week signed an agreement on the exchange of information on tax matters. Gaytan and Sebastiani noted that the tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) between the two territories builds upon existing strong bilateral… – Continue reading

Foreign Firms Get Retrospective Relief From Controversial Tax

In a big relief to foreign firms, the government on Thursday exempted them from paying minimum alternate tax (MAT) retrospectively from April 2001, provided they did not have a permanent establishment in India. Tax experts said that this government move ends a lot of uncertainty on the controversial MAT issue… – Continue reading

Centre to exempt foreign firms covered by double taxation treaty

IT Act will be amended with retrospective effectto exempt foreignfirms from MAT In a big relief to foreign firms, government on Thursday said the Income Tax Act will be amended with retrospective effect to exempt from minimum alternate tax (MAT) the overseas companies that covered under double taxation avoidance agreements… – Continue reading

Isle of Man signs Tax Information Exchange Agreement with the Cayman Islands

The Isle of Man has continued its programme of developing closer economic and taxation co-operation with other countries by concluding a Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) with the Cayman Islands. This is the Isle of Man‘s 33rd TIEA. The agreement was signed by Hon. G. Wayne Panton MLA, the Cayman… – Continue reading

Corporate taxation system has reached its limits, say ministers and MEPs

Tax competition as such cannot be avoided, but today’s system has reached its limits and led to unwanted side effects. Small firms should not have to bear the tax burden of multinationals that pay very little. Action is needed to harmonise corporate tax practices across Europe, so as to make… – Continue reading

The framework for investment between Malta and Russia is excellent – Minister Cardona in Moscow

The Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business, Dr Chris Cardona attended Malta Day 2015 in Moscow coinciding with the 51st anniversary from Malta’s independence, during which a Maltese-Russian Business Forum was held. Minister Cardona spoke about the good relations Malta has held with Russia, which go back many… – Continue reading

Collection and automatic disclosure of information from Canadian financial institutions is “legally authorized” and “not inconsistent” with Canada – US Tax Treaty

On September 16, 2015, the Honorable Mr. Justice Martineau rendered summary judgment in the matter of Hillis and Deegan v. The Attorney General of Canada, docket T-1736-13 (2015 FC 1082). As a matter of background (and as discussed in a previous post), on August 11, 2014, the plaintiffs, Hillis and… – Continue reading

Austria: Successful Appeal Regarding Taxation Of Foreign Interest Income

On 26 February 2015, the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court decided in favor of an appeal filed by WOLF THEISS for a client who received tax exempt interest income from other countries. An Austrian taxpayer received interest from Greek, Brazilian and Argentinian government bonds between 2003 and 2007. According to the… – Continue reading

Trategic resets under the new MAP and APA revenue procedures

The IRS recently replaced Rev. Proc. 2006-54 for requesting assistance under the Mutual Agreement Procedure (“MAP”) article of U.S. tax treaties, and Rev. Proc. 2006-9 for requesting Advance Pricing Agreements (“APAs”). The new Rev. Procs. (2015-40 and 2015-41, respectively) largely track draft procedures issued in 2013 (Notices 2013-78 and 2013-79),… – Continue reading

4th FATCA and Global Tax Compliance Forum

NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwired – September 23, 2015) – With the global implementation of FATCA and anticipation of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), legal and compliance professionals within the banking industry have never seen such a regulatory overload and focus on ensuring proper compliance processes. As these multi-national regulations become implemented… – Continue reading

BHP says it’s paying a fair share of taxes

BHP Billiton has defended the use of a Singapore marketing hub to minimise its tax payments, saying most of its Australian profits continue to be taxed in its home country. The resources giant, which came under fire earlier this year over allegations of tax avoidance, says its global adjusted effective… – Continue reading

Austria: Mutual Agreement Procedures – New Decree

On 31 March 2015, the Austrian Ministry of Finance published a decree dealing with, inter alia, mutual agreement procedures under double tax treaties. Currently, Austria has concluded 85 double tax treaties, all of which contain provisions on mutual agreement procedures (MAPs). However, Austrian statutory law does not provide for procedural… – Continue reading

MEPs: Make EU Corporate Tax System ‘Fairer’

Action is needed to harmonize corporate tax practices across Europe, according to the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Tax Rulings. The committee said this was the key sentiment voiced during a meeting with finance ministers from Luxembourg, Italy, France, Spain, and Germany on September 22. According to the committee, while… – Continue reading

Chief Minister rejects Washington DC’s tax haven slur

Chief Minister Allan Bell has written to the District of Columbia Council to outline his concerns at the island’s inclusion in a blacklist of tax havens. Washington DC released the list of 39 ‘tax havens’ as part of its Budget Support Act, which was signed by the Mayor in August…. – Continue reading

Austria: Tax Treatment Of Liechtenstein Foundations

In a recent decision the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court ruled on the tax treatment of Liechtenstein foundations for the second time within one month. In the case at hand the competent tax authority attributed investment income generated by a Liechtenstein foundation to the Austrian resident widow of the founder. According… – Continue reading

BHP Billiton warns of backlash over any Australian tax-grab policies

BHP Billiton has warned any move by Australia to single-handedly combat corporate profit shifting could spark a backlash from other nations that is likely to ultimately harm local companies. Finance director Peter Beaven says while action on so-called base erosion and profit shifting is needed, it must be part of… – Continue reading

Uganda: Multinationals Should Pay Full Taxes, African MPs Say

Entebbe — Members of African Parliamentarian Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Tax (APNIFFT) want governments across the continent to put more pressure on multinational companies to pay full taxes. According to the parliamentarians, tax evasion and illicit financial flow (IFFs) from Africa can be brought to an end if… – Continue reading