Category: FATCA

Birth of a New Era in Private Wealth

As the financial world continues its march towards a more transparent and open environment, regulations governing private wealth are under scrutiny. The traditional is changing for good while new players emerge. Once was a time, not too long ago, the words “Swiss bank” conjured up evocative imagery: secret deals; bank… – Continue reading

Treaties likely on exchange of tax information

ISLAMABAD: Several amendments have been proposed to the tax laws in the Finance Bill 2015-16 to empower the federal government to enter into agreements for exchange of tax-related information with provinces and other countries. The new sections proposed to be inserted in the Finance Bill will empower Islamabad to enter… – Continue reading

Malta:FATCA Reporting Deadline Extended Again

The Maltese Commissioner for Revenue has announced a further extension in relation to the deadline on reporting for FATCA purposes from 15 June 2015 to 3 July 2015. The FATCA reporting deadline in Malta is normally 30 April. The Commissioner has confirmed that this exception will apply for reporting in… – Continue reading

Financial institutions must prepare for ‘FATCA on steroids’

Financial institutions around the world must ‘get their act together’ for the introduction of the OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in seven months, Linedata has warned. Justin Hayes, product manager at the international software provider, dubbed the automatic exchange agreement between an initial 58 countries “FATCA on steroids’ and an… – Continue reading

Governments risk falling short of FATCA demands

Governments around the world could find themselves under-resourced when the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act deadline for collecting information on US clients arrives in September, one expert has said. Ellen Zimiles, managing director, head of global investigations at US firm Navigant, said governments will be handed an “unprecedented” amount of… – Continue reading

IRS Reminds of June FBAR, FATCA Deadlines

The Internal Revenue Service Wednesday reminded taxpayers with offshore accounts of two important June deadlines related to Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts filings and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. All taxpayers with a FBAR filing requirement must report their foreign assets by June 30, with those taxpayers living abroad… – Continue reading

Bermuda: Minister Richards examines global tax threats

Speaking at the Insurance Day 2015 Summit on 10 June 2015, Minister of Finance Bob Richards told attendees that “the more we drive home that the insurance sector in Bermuda is not a stereotypical tax haven gimmick to key onshore decision makers the less the threat from IRS and other… – Continue reading

Bahamas: Financial services keeping up with international best practices claims Strachan

Minister of Financial Services the Hon. Hope Strachan said international best practices are evolving at a rapid pace, particularly as it relates to automatic tax exchange initiatives, tax transparency, anti-money laundering and financial crime, and e-commerce, reports the Bahamas Weekly. Making her contribution to the 2015 Budget Debate in the… – Continue reading

Israel: Renewing Your US Passport? The IRS Will Know About It

Individuals who renew their US passport need to take into consideration that their Social Security Number (SSN) and country of residency will be forwarded to the IRS. Since July 2014, the passport renewal instructions forms have dedicated a specific paragraph detailing this new procedure: “Section 6039E of the Internal Revenue… – Continue reading

Swiss government wants banks’ extra care to avoid untaxed money

Switzerland’s government wants banks to toughen up checks to avoid accepting untaxed assets, possibly including a refusal to do business with a client who can’t show the money has been regularized, reports Bloomberg. For clients from countries that aren’t covered by automatic exchange of information agreements, banks will need to… – Continue reading

Recent Tax Treaty Developments In Cyprus

Proposed Amendments To Cyprus’s Assessment And Collection Of Taxes Law The Cyprus Government has published a draft law amending the Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law (Law 4 of 1978) in order to facilitate implementation of agreements for automatic exchange of information with other countries. When it is enacted, the… – Continue reading

Switzerland plans stringent norms to fight black money menace

BERNE: Amid a global black money crackdown including by India, Switzerland has announced a stringent due diligence regime for its banks to ‘reject’ accepting illicit funds from both existing and new customers. Swiss banks, known for their strict secrecy practices, would also terminate relationships with existing clients who are found… – Continue reading

Investment Funds Update – Europe: Legal and regulatory updates for the funds industry from the key asset management centres and primary European fund domiciles: UK

MiFID II – FCA Issues Discussion Paper on MiFID II Implementation Measures The FCA issued a discussion paper (DP15/3) on 26 March 2015, asking firms for their views on a range of MiFID II implementation measures, including on: The revised inducements standards. Receipt of commissions and other benefits by discretionary… – Continue reading

The New Rules of Offshore Accounts

Crucial deadlines are approaching for millions of U.S. taxpayers who live abroad or have offshore financial ties. For expatriates, the annual income-tax filing deadline is normally June 15, instead of April 15. In addition, all U.S. taxpayers with offshore accounts totaling more than $10,000 in 2014–regardless of where they live–have… – Continue reading

Offshore Status of Hong Kong Companies

Hong Kong is often seen as a favorable business location, due to its low tax rates, easier access to the Asian market, as well as a relatively stress-free establishment procedure. The region’s stable political environment and excellent finance and banking services also provide investors with a better business environment. Moreover,… – Continue reading

FATCA is an attack on Canadian sovereignty

Retired Canadian lawyer Ginny Hillis has a message for the U.S. Congress. “They have no rights over me. None.” Hillis detests the “arrogance” of Congress for “imposing their laws on a sovereign nation with the complicity of that sovereign nation’s government.” America’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) “should embarrass… – Continue reading

IRS Offers Resources for Taxpayers Abroad

As expatriate taxpayers face increasing difficulties from implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, the Internal Revenue Service is offering YouTube videos and other online resources to assist taxpayers overseas. The IRS noted that the June 15 filing deadline for Americans abroad is approaching soon, so it is launching… – Continue reading

Worldwide: Tax Transparency – The New Global Reporting Standard

A COMMON REPORTING STANDARD ACROSS THE WORLD The goalposts in international tax reporting are moving rapidly. In conjunction with the G20, the OECD developed the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) as a global standard for the automatic exchange of information. This was approved by the OECD Council on 15 July 2014… – Continue reading

UK: Privacy For Beneficial Owners Of Companies

Controversial recent changes to UK and EU law combined with parallel G8, G20 and OECD measures risk the beneficial owners of certain companies being subjected to unwanted public scrutiny. However, help is at hand for affected individuals. The political background Reacting to concerns about tax evasion, money laundering and the… – Continue reading

Tough road ahead for Lebanon’s banks

In its report issued in May 2015, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned against the exceptional risks and challenges facing Lebanon as a result of several political and security factors both at the domestic and foreign levels. These challenges also result from worrying economic factors in terms of growth, the… – Continue reading

deVere: Presidential candidates owe it to America to explain their stance on controversial FATCA

Presidential candidates must come clean on America’s highly controversial global tax law – and more must urgently be done to repeal it, not least because it is “a blue print for worse to come”, warns the boss of one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory organisations. Nigel Green, founder… – Continue reading

Asia: Tax & Trust Developments Taking Center Stage

Developments in Asia over the last year have been continuous with the biggest generic development relating to the exchange of information. Asian countries have put their FATCA reporting systems in place (even though not all have yet signed an inter-governmental agreement with the US IRS), and most have now committed… – Continue reading

The Bahamas Chooses the Path of Innovation, Compliance

The past decade or more has not been an easy road to manoeuvre for IFCs. The Bahamas like other IFCs has faced the combined challenges of international initiatives, increased competition, industry consolidation, changing client demographics, emerging market requirements; legacy market stagnation and of course the financial crisis just a few… – Continue reading

Hong Kong: Will The Very Efforts Designed To End The Offshore Industry Finally Legitimise It?

Since the beginning of the global financial crisis, politicians, the media and people on the street have engaged in a series of “blame games” to point fingers and punish those responsible for their own economic ills. For the past few years, one “culprit” has been firmly in the spotlight –… – Continue reading

Island’s links with the Northern powerhouse worth promoting

A full and fascinating roundtable discussion based around the island’s place as an international finance centre was held at KPMG’s headquarters in Athol Street, Douglas. Around the table were David Karran, managing director, IQE, Simon Scott, managing director, Barclays Isle of Man, Andrew Thomas, chief executive, Isle of Man Enterprises… – Continue reading


Poland has removed Gibraltar from its schedule of countries and territories that it considers to be non-cooperative tax havens, the latest in a string of countries to do the same. The move means Gibraltar companies have been freed from previously held restrictions when doing business with Polish companies. It follows… – Continue reading

UK FATCA – Alternative reporting regime for UK resident non-domiciled individuals

The British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands have entered into agreements with the UK for automatic disclosure of information in respect of interests in financial accounts held by UK residents. Most UK residents are taxed on the “arising” basis meaning they are liable to pay UK tax on worldwide… – Continue reading

United States – Iceland

FATCA Agreement Signed On 26 May 2015, Iceland and the United States signed a Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Agreement. FATCA seeks to obtain information on accounts held by U.S. taxpayers in other countries. It requires U.S. financial institutions to withhold a portion of certain payments made to Foreign… – Continue reading

Guernsey: Guernsey Issues Amended Legislation And Updated Draft Guidance Notes On FATCA-Based Reporting

On 31 March 2015 amendments were made to the Income Tax (Approved International Agreements) (Implementation) (United Kingdom and United States of America) Regulations, 2014 (the “2014 Regulations”) which brought FATCA-based reporting into force under Guernsey law. FATCA-based reporting is implemented in Guernsey pursuant to the UK-Guernsey IGA, signed on 22… – Continue reading

Raising your next fund: the rising tide of global regulatory change

There has recently been a wave of global regulatory reforms which affect fundraising. These changes are far-reaching and can impact how fund managers structure funds, their proposed investor base, how and where funds are marketed, the remuneration that may be received, registrations that may be required and dealings with investors…. – Continue reading

Gibraltar: Rising Above Regulatory Clouds

The medium-term uncertainty of the UK’s continued membership of the EU remains a cloud on Gibraltar’s financial horizon, for the Rock’s membership of the 27-nation body – and thus her role as a stepping-stone into Europe’s vast financial market – is under Britain’s umbrella. And it is partly in response… – Continue reading

Caribbean IFCs: Looking Beyond the International Initiatives

Caribbean IFCs continue to face the growing challenges as global standards struggle to manage certain risks across borders. Some of these challenges (such as cross border tax information sharing) have maintained their original format but intensified and we have seen several new initiatives (for example a push for beneficial ownership… – Continue reading